Learn About Car To Car OR V2V Communication:
Vehicle to vehicle OR V2V Communication is technological innovation. It allows two vehicles to ‘talk’ or ‘communicate’ with each other. It is also known as ‘V2X’. With the help of this technology, a vehicle can connect to the other nearby vehicles and supporting infrastructure. So, the main aim of developing V2V technology is to improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents.Be
Why Vehicle to vehicle OR V2V Communication?
First of all, a careful study reveals that the majority of road accidents take place because the following vehicle does not clearly understand the actions of the vehicle ahead. Hence in exigency, the driver of the following vehicle fails to take an action that is complementary to the one taken by the front vehicle.
But, you can avoid the accidents if the vehicle travelling ahead is able to clearly communicate its actions to the following vehicle. To achieve this purpose, automotive engineers developed the vehicle to vehicle OR V2V communication system.
How Vehicle to vehicle OR V2V Communication works:
For any Vehicle to Vehicle/V2V Communication system, there are two important factors-
- The communicating vehicle(s)
- The roadside infrastructure with which the communication takes place
The actual communication takes place with the help of ‘Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)’ wireless communication devices. As per the regulation in the United States, these devices work in the 5.9GHz band with a bandwidth of 75MHz which it separately assigned for the vehicular communication only. The approximate range of these devices is 1000m. DSRC devices communicate not only with the other vehicles but also with the road infrastructure. It includes road signals or informative nodes installed by the roadside.

In addition, when the vehicles equipped with V2V communication come in the connecting range of each other, they exchange information. It includes the position, speed, the direction of travel. It also informs the steering inputs being given by the driver and sudden change in driving conditions such as braking or lane change.
On the other hand, when such a vehicle connects with road infrastructure, the exchange of information such as information of road signals, weather condition, and nearby traffic condition takes place. Engineers termed such connection as Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication.

So, the information received from both the ways i.e. V2V & V2I is conveyed to the driver with the help of driver interface system installed in the dashboard. Thus, the driver becomes aware of what is happening around him and hence can take all the driving decisions carefully. Thereby, reducing the risk of accidents significantly. Even, driver drowsiness detection is also included in the system.
The future of V2V systems:
At present, development of the first generation of V2V systems is underway. The limitation of its functioning is only giving a warning to the driver. However, these systems are unable to take any corrective action on the input given by the driver.
Furthermore, the second generation of Vehicle to Vehicle systems would be able to take control of the vehicle in danger and provide the corrective action. Hence, these systems would ultimately merge with the autonomous driving technology.
Advantages of V2V:
- Improved road safety
- Reduced traffic congestions
- Helps in streamlining of the flow of vehicles on road
Limitations of V2V:
- The threat of hacking: Being IT-dependent system, they are vulnerable to attacks of hacking or cracking. In such a situation, the hacker can alter the information displayed in the vehicle. Thereby, causing a disaster.
- Additional cost: The estimated cost of installing the V2V communication system in the vehicle is high. It could be in the range of 2,000 USD to 20,000 USD depending upon the vehicle model and complexity of the system.
- Besides, the frequency band set aside for this system can’t support a large number of vehicles simultaneously.
See how V2V systems in action:
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