MPV Meaning and Advantages:
The term MPV stands for Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV). This vehicle type is primarily designed to carry a number of passengers. People also refer to such a vehicle as ‘Minivan’ or ‘Multi Utility Vehicle (MUV)’. These vehicles became popular around the world. It is mainly because of the convenience they offer in terms of the carrying capacity of either people or cargo.
Various Features and advantages of Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV):

Typically, a multi-purpose vehicle/Multi Utility Vehicle has two or three rows of seats which serve for 6 to 8 passengers. This is the most important advantage of this vehicle. In addition, they have a flexible interior space which means that it can be adjusted as per the requirement. If you want to carry more cargo, then just fold some of the seats. And thus, you will have enough space to put all your goods. Also, the upright design style allows the interior space to feel more spacious and roomy.
Furthermore, due to the advances in technology, the performance of an MPV car is almost in line with the other vehicles. Generally, these vehicles use unibody construction and thus are lightweight. Improved construction and reduced weight result in better handling and fuel economy.
A multi-purpose vehicle can be either front wheel drive or rear wheel drive. However, due to fuel economy concerns, manufacturers usually avoid putting all-wheel drive layout on them. Due to the upright body style, multi-purpose vehicles have better ground clearance.
MPV cars in India:
The Indian market has been the home for many multi-purpose vehicles/Multi Utility Vehicle so far. Inspite of the recent increase in the popularity of crossover, SUV and sedan vehicles; MPVs still hold a significant market-share. Here are a few noteworthy examples:
Nissan Evalia (Not in production anymore)